POWER GENERATION – To the Power generation segment we provide our customers with MV Cable Accessories, High Current Disconnectors for the excitation circuit, Dry Type Wall Bushings.
POWER TRANSMISSION – To the Power transmission segment we provide our customers with MV Cable Accessories, High Voltage Disconnectors (vertical, Central or Double open, semi or pantographic) for their substations up to 550 kV, high current disconnectors for the SVC systems, SPACER CABLE Power Lines up to 110 kV, High Voltage Dry Type Apparatus for Measurement and Transformer Bushings up to 500 kV.
POWER DISTRIBUTION – To the Power distribution segment we provide our customers with not only underground network solutions (network protectors, micro-processed relays, and automation) but also MV cable Accessories, and for the overhead area: Spacer Cable Systems up to 46 kV when the “redes compactas” systems are not performing in relation to Nature, insulation for bare cable up to 46 kV, silicon sheds.
Flexible Bus-bar
High Current Disconnectors
Substation Disconnectors
Excitation Circuit Disconnectors for Power Generation
MV Disconnectables
MV Splices
Heat Shrink Insulation
Insulation for Bare Cables
Network Protector
Network Protector – Tester
Silicon Insulating Sheds
Automation for Network Systems
HV and EHV – Dry Type Current Transformers
HV and EHV – Dry Type Potential Transformers
Dry Type Wall and Transformer Bushings
HV – Dry Type Cable Terminations
Ignition Systems for Exothermic Welding
Spare Parts for Ignition Systems
POWER TRANSMISSION – To the Power transmission segment we provide our customers with MV Cable Accessories, High Voltage Disconnectors (vertical, Central or Double open, semi or pantographic) for their substations up to 550 kV, high current disconnectors for the SVC systems, SPACER CABLE Power Lines up to 110 kV, High Voltage Dry Type Apparatus for Measurement and Transformer Bushings up to 500 kV.
TRANSPORTATION – To the Transportation segment we provide our customers with Power Systems solutions covering the AC portion, High Voltage Disconnectors for their substations, with MV Cable Accessories up 36 kV, overhead Spacer Cable Systems up to 46 kV, but also the DC side with DC Switches and Disconnectors, Section Insulators, connections, splices, and means to maintain the Messenger and the Contact Wires in Service.